March 2018 Project Night: Flower Pot Antennas

Last night saw Brisbane Area WICEN group hold its first Project Night for 2018, in the Green Room of Brisbane Hackerspace.  On this occasion, we were building 2m/70cm “flower pot” dual-band antennas for use in-the-field.

Richard (VK4ZA) antenna building under the supervision of Gary (VK4ZGB)
Gary (VK4ZGB) guiding Tony (VK4FPTK) on a construction step.

The night was a success, with several antennas successfully constructed, these are now ready for portable operations in the field. Thanks go to Gary Bonner (VK4ZGB) for organising this event, to Bob McKernan (VK4BYX), Simon Chantrill (VK4TSC), Richard Atkinson (VK4ZA), Tony Kernke (VK4FPTK) and David Longland (VK4MDL) for getting involved, and Bob Cumming (VK4YBN) for the moral support.

Also to Brisbane Hackerspace for providing the facilities, and about 50cm of thin ABS printer filament.