WICEN Project Night: 5th March 2018

Brisbane Area WICEN Group will be holding its first project night for 2018, on the 5th March, 2018, to take place in the Green Room at Brisbane Hackerspace, starting at 7:30PM. This is open to both WICEN members and HSBNE members.

On this evening, we plan to build a number of VHF/UHF “flower pot” antennas for portable station use.

We will primarily focus on antennas to suit the 2m and 70cm bands, however with sufficient prior preparation, antennas for other bands such as 10m, 6m and “ISM bands” such as 915MHz could also be possible.  For further information, either contact the committee, discuss it on our chat mailing list, or on the HSBNE forum.

Please note: An earlier announcement was made that quoted the date of the 5th of February.  This date is incorrect.  The correct date is in March.